News from the fashion and textile industry

Liberty Fabrics. Azala Image.

Liberty Fabrics is a long-established British textile company that has been producing fabrics sin...

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Discover the history of Liberty Fabrics

Azala textile. Original image depicting industrial paradigm in Madagascar. Colorful and joyful.

The textile industry occupies an important place in the Malagasy economy, particularly in terms o...

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A history of textile in Madagascar: a CSR strategy?

Veste sans manches femme. Veste matelassée femme. Upcycling vêtement.

Sleeveless jackets, also known as vests, have gained popularity among women in recent years. Thes...

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The women's sleeveless jacket: 2023 trends

Azala image. Showing a possible world with eco-conception and upcycling vs a world with actual way of consuming. Upcycling vêtement Azala.

Eco-design, also known as green design or sustainable design, is the practice of designing produc...

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Eco-design: transforming the industry!

Sustainable fashion dystopic impression by Azala. Vegan fashion. Mode responsable impression dystopique.

Responsible fashion is a movement that seeks to promote ethical and sustainable practices in the ...

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Responsible fashion: what is it?

Gilet sans manches enfant. Sleeveless vest for kids. Gilets sans manches femme, enfant et bébé. Gilet matelassé enfant. Gilet sans manches femme. Upcycling vêtement. Tissus Liberty et velour.

As the warm weather approaches, sleeveless vests are becoming a popular choice for everyone from ...

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The sleeveless vest: the great trend for 2023 ?

Azala image. Artistic image representing the era for eco-responsible clothing. L'ère de l'habillement responsable. Image Azala.

As the need for sustainable fashion grows, eco-responsible clothing is becoming more and more po...

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Eco-responsible brands: ideas, examples and trends

Upcycling vêtement. Gilet bleu garcon 1 an. Gilet Azala 100% upcyclé et recyclé à partir de chutes de tissus. Tendances Upcycling bébé 2023.

In 2023, exciting new trends are emerging in the world of baby fashion. From bold colors and styl...

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Baby fashion trends for 2023

Azala. Upcycling vêtement. Une paire de ciseaux et un cordon upcyclé. Les vêtements sont une application concrète de l'upcycling.

Upcycling is an innovative way of looking at waste and old materials that allows for their transf...

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A short introduction about Upcycling

Upcycling vêtement. Tas de vieux vêtements roses empilés les uns sur les autres qui doivent être détruits. Chez Azala, nous avons fait le choix de les recycler.

The fashion industry weighs heavily in the global carbon footprint. Although many efforts have be...

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How to reduce the carbon footprint of our clothes?
